Ccerebrate Business Consulting: A Three Pronged Implementation Driven Approach to Business Problems

CIO Vendor An evaluation on the purpose of consulting by Arthur N. Turner in Harvard Business Review states that the most common reason for business to seek consultation is to obtain information. An organization may want a consultant’s special expertise or the more accurate, up-to-date information the firm can provide. It further says that a client might wish to know whether to make or buy a component, acquire or divest a line of business, or change a marketing strategy. Seeking solutions to problems of this sort is certainly a legitimate function. Thus, a useful consulting process involves working with the problem as defined by the client in such a way that more useful definitions emerge naturally as the engagement proceeds. Since most clients are ambivalent about their need for help with their most important problems, consultants must skillfully respond to the client’s implicit needs. Even the most impatient client is likely to agree that neither a solution to the wrong problem nor a solution that won’t be implemented is helpful.

Now is the time for operational leaders to step up to the stage and become a linchpin in achieving company profitability and growth goals. Sound operations management transcends daily business requirements and builds competitive advantage. This is a much bigger vision than just being a cost-effective business enabler. It requires forward, innovative thinking and agile response to rapidly changing markets, technologies and global cost structures.

Working with the right consulting firm focused on operations can help a business operate more efficiently, effectively, and profitably. The operations practice connects clients’ strategies with execution. Whether it’s innovating to drive growth, strategically reducing costs, improving operational flexibility, managing risk, improving capital efficiency, complying with complex regulatory requirements or realizing deal value, such firms have what it takes to be a partner of choice. Ideally fitting into the picture is Ccerebrate Business Consulting, a company that brings proficiencies in strategy and operations through an implementation driven approach to help organizations align their bottom line to top line strategies.

The Genesis of Ccerebrate

The journey of Ccerebrate dates back to 2011 when Mr. Ajatshatru Sharma set up the venture to improve the current systems of operations for organisations bringing into consideration both the internal and the external factors to deliver a substantial financial benefit. Ccerebrate has been fully operational for 3.5 years. The initial 1.5 years were spent in conceptualizing the delivery approach. “During my course of studies at Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire, I came across two professors; Dr Neil Spencer and Dr Chris To fall is. When I came back to India and decided to start my own venture, they were the ones who were very instrumental in giving me a lot of mental and professional support. Their presence gave me a lot of confidence to take the step forward,” says A. Sharma, Director, Ccerebrate Business Consulting.

At present, Ccerebrate Business focuses on strengthening organizations utilize their existing systems more effectively without making any capital investment until deemed necessary in order to maintain a good financial health. Enlightening more on the background of Ccerebarte, Mr. Sharma speaks, “Primarily many consulting firms restrict themselves to giving quotes to the customers without taking much trouble about the end result and its consistency. However, we ensure both through our services and definitely with implementation expertise deliver bottom-line improvements for them.”

Ccerebrate Business Consulting has a different approach to business issues. “We are business consulting with systems, processes and solutions approach. At Ccerebrate, we see these as the most critical of all other extraneous and indigenous factors that we could list down which lead towards the success of any business. We do not see improvement and subsequent change as a short term approach and if some companies do, probably they are looking forward to a short term gain and probably this is what we strive to change and help companies build a new robust approach towards the internal and an external system dynamics.,” speaks A. Sharma, Director, Ccerebrate Business Consulting.

Ccerebrate Business focuses on strengthening organizations utilize their existing systems more effectively without making any capital investment until deemed necessary in order to maintain a good financial health

The operations consulting practice at Ccerebrate primarily focuses on improving the bottom-line operations for any industry segment in which the intervention has been initiated. The practice brings in fundamentals of the operations research in addressing the problem along utilizing the 3-B methodical approach to deliver real time productivity improvements that are convertible to financial benefits. The company deploys a well qualified team who can identify and address the operational complexities and create a productive environment within the organization and work as a team along with the clients’ team to bring in the bottom line improvement and committed financial savings. The proposed solutions are amalgamated with the existing team inputs to realize the positive impact on the overall system productivity.

Not only this, Ccerebrate has already launched PROD24X7, a smartphone application that allows users to fix an appointment, connect and send messages towards phase 1 of the app development for improved and faster connectivity. The app has been created to engage clients and their representatives by turning their smartphones into a big data social media connecting tool. “Our new app is a digital initiative to help businesses in bringing integrated approach to thinking, planning and management that is specifically tailored to the small business owner. It is available anytime from anywhere. Making it free is the logical next step in our mission to support the world's entrepreneurs,” he adds.

3 B Approach: The Strength behind Ccerebrate

Ccerebrate pursues a 3-B approach to give an internal freedom of the ATA, a building block for the approach. This helps to phase out the implementation post the business analysis in a more optimized manner which in turn helps the engagement in progress to deliver more realistic and sustainable results. The robustness of the approach lies in the independence of the working elements within the approach along with mutual dependence to bring in clarity at every stage of the consulting intervention.

“We do not just look into improving profit margins or savings but when we talk about improving on the bottom line our prime focus will be actually on the bottom line. We are not into plug and play mode. Once we know the issue and problem of the company,we look into it and decide on the strategies to be done,” says Sharma.

Ccerebrate brings in proficiency through an expert implementation and deployment of well researched and indigenously developed and structured delivery approaches which are the strengths of the engagement.The delivery models exhibit an optimum balance of standard and customized approaches for arriving at an optimal solution to the business problem in focus.

Mr. A. Sharma takes great pride in a fact that Ccerebrate is a quality &delivery conscious organization that continuously strives to establish and maintain strong relations with its clients. The determination of the team underlines the success of Ccerebrate. He highlights that in the years to come; team Ccerebrate envisions expanding its team and strengthening its employees.

Key Management
A.Sharma, Director | Ccerebrate Business Consulting, BE | MBA | MS (Operations Research, UK)
With 15 years of vast experience in several-industry verticals across India and abroad as a management and business consultant, Mr. A Sharma has cherished many huge companies in various sectors. He is particularly skilled in the planning and analysis required for meeting high corporate goals. His area of expertise includes specialization in business, and management consulting.

Mr. Sharma is a highly accomplished visionary leader; his delivery verticals are project management, marketing, production management, business process re-engineering, requirements analysis, change management, logistics management and solutions implementation.

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