Fast changing consumer habits and the influence of social media in purchasing decision make it imperative for the brand owners to regularly review their branding strategies and understand where, when and how to spend their valuable and increasingly limited resources. A branding solution designed without understanding the needs of the consumer can easily go helter-skelter. Independent market research reports are helpful but, often, organizations need expert help in conceiving a right strategy to figure out what works for their brand. Weighing challenges and opportunities in brand management and consultancy, Rohan Bhatt, Founder and Chief Consultant, conceived SQuare Consulting and Management Services in 2007. His sole idea behind founding the company was to alleviate businesses from issues they face while establishing their brands and solve problems in a more organized and standardized way.
Broadly, SQuare provides consultancy services to companies operating in hospitality industry, franchise businesses and supports branding and marketing campaigns for many others. The hospitality consulting division at SQuare constantly strives to raise the standards of its services such as concept development and execution, which are based on market research and economic feasibility study by the company. For brand franchises, SQuare strives to build an efficient and self-sustaining ecosystem. In addition, SQuare consulting ascertains that the right kind of communication channels are established and brand identity is built in line with the brand promotion strategies of the company. Square’s Brand consulting division is exclusively focused on developing strategies and execution plans with most efficient and cost effective approaches. Yash Bhatt, Co-founder and Head for PR & CR, adds,
“We believe in developing businesses as a system and as a brand at the same time.”
During its burgeoning years, SQuare focused on Project Consulting Services. But, gradually over the year’s Company’s business model has been re-shaped to deliver multitude of services. Today, the company is counted among key players in the hospitality, franchising, and marketing sectors. Although SQuare stumbled during its initial years due to its lack of expertise and inefficient business model, soon, with hard work, determination and right set of business strategies, SQuare turned things around to emerge as a profitable enterprise. Abiding by its guiding ideologies, SQuare consulting has established itself as a pioneer in the business consulting and advisory services industry. The business verticals it caters to are considered exclusive and quite demanding in terms of deliverables and execution challenges.
SQuare provides consultancy services to companies operating in hospitality industry, franchise businesses and supports branding and marketing campaigns for many others
SQuare works for clients across business verticals and industries. Its first consulting contract with MPropertyVenture changed the dynamics of the company’s business directions. And, today it has countless clients. Rohan adds, “Our out-of-the-box thinking and determination to keep clients in the most comfortable position helps them run their business better.”
Going forward, the company envisions becoming one stop shop for branding solutions for hospitality and franchising industry. Additionally, it plans on capability expansion by hiring more versatile experts in the domain. It also plans to further deepen its offerings in existing sections. Creating a long lasting business model which consistently helps businesses and creating more jobs for freelancers and professionals are the other areas the company wants to explore. With its outbound services and dedication towards client’s success, SQuare has achieved immense appreciation, which has helped them in creating a brand for itself.