The rising cost of housing projects is a worrying factor for human souls and buying a suitable property at the right cost is now a challenge for them. As a consequence, real estate consultancies are utilizing every opportunity to mitigate such problems and are assisting individuals as well as industrial groups or sectors in acquiring the right property at the right cost. Fourth Dimension Realty being one of the key players has created a niche in the real estate territory and is led by two Partners naming Amit Jain and Rimple Jain. With an objective to be a one point contact for Real Estate Advisory, Finance and Business Planning services in Navi Mumbai, the company has already framed reliability as its key strength.
Being prompt and accurate in all their
communication processes, the company
ensures valuable feedbacks from the buyers
“Our mission is to exceed the expectations of our customers using the customer value triad of quality, service delivery and price. Our core competency is our strong retail database of buyers and sellers as well as our corporate expertise in dealing with land and allied services,” says Amit. The duo put up continuous effort to bring in outstanding solutions on the table for individual as well as corporate entities. Maintaining exclusivity in their deliverables the company gives its hand to both the buyers and the sellers. “We listen to our buyers, try to understand their needs and strategize accordingly. We help them in co-ordination of transaction advice and provide them research market for pricing accuracy with multiple options,” informs Rimple. Imparting negotiable options, the organization also keeps its clients updated with the adequate and crucial information pertaining to market contracts, terms of escrow, lease term etc.
Property sellers on the other hand bag some creditable deals while working with Fourth Dimension. “For the buyers again we formulate a marketing strategy for their home reflecting the time frame under consideration, we strategize methods which are based on intelligent researched market conditions with a competitive selling price,” adds Rimple. Being prompt and accurate in all their communication processes, the company ensures valuable feedbacks from the buyers as well.

However, the duo believes that they have two areas of core competence, of which one is their strong retail database of buyers and sellers along with the corporate expertise in dealing with land and allied services. While the other area includes professional training and experience in creating opportunities, mitigating risk, saving time and maximizing profits. “Our main challenge was to convince clients with the fact that our services would help them go beyond the traditional ‘neighborhood estate agent’ who work on commissions,” Amit explains. Confronting such tough times during the opening days, the duo put a great effort in making their clients aware that they were just not middlemen but hardworking consultants with proper plans. “We help customers make a buying or a selling decision in a way to maximize profit,” adds Amit.
Dealing with some renowned clients such as RCOM, Mastek, Aviva Life Insurance, INGVysa Bank, L&T and NIIT the company emphasis on the flawless execution of their deals and ensures customer loyalty. “We are definitely looking at exponential growth in terms of headcount and planning to reach out the commercial and land service seekers as well,” confirms Rimple. Lately, the organization has clicked a successful deal of selling and delivering 60,000 odd sq.ft of commercial space in Navi Mumbai based commercial centre. With these successes in hand, the enterprise is aiming for a threefold YOY growth in terms of profits, headcounts and also moving to a larger office in near future.