Education is an enterprise that encompasses several verticals of the business and technological infrastructures. And the ever evolving tributaries under these fields dictate a need for educational institutions to constantly upgrade their resources to keep abreast with these changes. With the dynamic population of students in the education sector the need is evermore rising and the demand is high for all educational tools from a basic pencil to the 4K HD flat screen TV. For these institutions these resources have to be procured in bulk and price is often the differentiating factor in the choice of vendors. The managements or governing boards now seek out vendors that offer all the resources that they require at a compatible price range while maintaining the quality factor. This enables them to avoid the various hassles that many educational institutions have come to experience while dealing with multiple vendors for their individual resource needs. Ressourzen- ERPA is a company that was conceived with the motive to deliver a solution to this problem faced by corporate companies and educational institutions alike in India, in a very innovative and novel way.
Ressourzen came to life as a company that provided the world’s first Enterprise and Educational Resource Outsourcing Consulting (eRO) offering. Post inception the company started adding various service offerings which included Testing and Certification Services, Quality Audit Services for the educational institutions and corporate companies that had partnered with it. Over the years Ressourzen has evolved half a dozen levels into the association based community purchase system it is today. Constantly redefining the way resources were delivered to their partnering educational institutions and corporate companies, Ressourzen has played a crucial role in boosting their revenues.
Started in 2012, Ressourzen has ever since created a global market for the various services it offers. The company has also expanded its service offering competency with the addition of resource procurement services and anchoring of end to end order execution services and facility. Through these services Ressourzen has been successful in creating the World’s first Education Resource Procurement Association (ERPA) which provides a platform for educational institutions worldwide to come together and buy together. The network created through the ERPA has been quiet successful in bringing global institution of educational and corporate persuasion together, enabling both to perform transactions that bring value to both. “Ressourzen ERPA today works to remove the entire range of supply chain inefficiencies plaguing our resource procurement process and system, eradicate these inefficiencies and make available – the best product at the best price to our partnering educational institutions and corporate companies,” says Ressourzen Managing Director Balasubramanian Venkatesan.
Today ERPA has branched out into a multitude of other subsidiaries which include – Company Resource Procurement Association, SRPA – Student Resource Procurement Association & PRPA – Parent Resource Procurement Association.
These together have formed a complex network that serves all the needs of the educational dimension that Ressourzen encompasses and all that exists within. Apart from creating lines of communication and transaction between the product and services vendors and educational institutions, Ressourzen also has established its own brand of products under the name eGearz/ Geared for Life. This brand offers an entire collection of products for the corporate and education sector, including uniforms, bags, sportswear, T-shirts etc. According to Balasubramanian “Ressourzen’s core motive through eGearz’s is to put an end to wasteful marketing, brand promotion expenses, sales promotion expenses and brand endorsement expenses.”
Ressourzen also has other subsidiaries specializing in particular aspects such as sports, arts, food, language etc. A few notable ones among these subsidiaries are Hermezires which specializes in providing in sports training and gear provision, Saathvik- a food services brand and Ecozen- an initiative by Ressourzen aimed at bringing students and corporate employees alike closer to nature. These subsidiaries aid Ressourzen in further strengthening its product procurement services and realizing its goal of creating a less market-reliant business world. Ressourzen also has a well motivated team of employees with a higher level of expertise in their fields. Each of Ressourzen’s employees works for the company’s progress and through their work try to make the entire process more productive and efficient. The reward they are entitled to presents itself once the company delivers its promises to the various institutions that rely on it. “They all know what they are entitled for and know how much they will get on successful completion of business and collections,” says Balasubramanian. He says that at Ressourzen there is no particular hierarchy and everything from decision making to pay is equally divided among the 41 employees including management that currently serve the company. “There are layers and layers of innovation that this one of a kind company has. The company has been founded by me on the principle of ‘The more we give – The more we get’,” he added. With such a dedicated team behind it, Ressourzen has indeed become a formidable force in the resource procurement vertical of the education and corporate sectors. Their work ethics and guiding principal have played a more than noteworthy role in building the company’s clientele which currently has a population of nearly 300 educational and corporate institutions. Ressourzen has a loyal following of 27 high profile schools located all across India, to whom it provides integrated end-to-end resource solutions.
Ressourzen has been successful in creating the World’s first Education Resource Procurement Association (ERPA) which provides a platform for educational institutions worldwide to come together and buy together
Ressourzen will be completing its third year in the market this month. Since 2012 the company has grown considerably in infrastructure and clientelle and continues to do so in manner rarely seen in the Indian market scenario given the various restrictions to which such companies are bound. With a major presence today in the South, Ressourzen now seeks to establish a similar presence throughout our subcontinent and even to the countries that border it. A pioneer in its field, Ressourzen seeks to deliver its unique offering of ERPA services to the global market so that the rest of the world too can benefit from the various prospects that come with it.