Internet and technology have brought in a sea of changes in the legal consulting industry. Even though this is the case, there are still prevalent gaps and room for improvement. To help their clients with the legal aspects of running a business, industry stalwart and Advocate, Harshal Joshi established a boutique corporate law firm, Joshi & Associates, that provides end-to-end corporate law services including Audit & Compliance and Labour law consultancy services to its clients with help of tech enabled solutions.
The Legal consultancy firm strives to offer the best in class legal solutions for its clients and has leveraged technology to keep pace with the fast-moving corporate world. By operating in a client centric approach, Joshi & Associates has been able to work closely with their clients, understand their specific challenges that they face and finally come up with tailor-made solutions that cater exclusively to the requirements of the clients.
Joshi & Associates strives to stand out from the rest and come up with innovative ideas and policies to become a pioneering Indian legal advisory firm. The Team comprises of well- experienced associate Advocates and Professional Consultants from various types of law practice. “From the beginning onwards, my goal was to establish a law firm that can be a one-stop solution provider for our clients’ legal requirements. We have expertise and experience across various sectors such as labour laws, corporate and commercial law, legal metrology, civil, contract laws, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, start-ups, arbitration, debt recovery, e-commerce, technology, media and telecommunication, and family law services.
Joshi & Associates mainly caters to tech start-ups, pharmaceutical, engineering and E-Commerce companies across India and especially in Bengaluru. In the area of Labour and Employment Law, Joshi & Associates renders Labour and Employment law advisory services, litigation support and out of court resolution of employment, labour and industrial disputes to both start-ups and established entities in India. Audit and Compliance is one of the core services provided by Joshi & Associates using our on online compliance management software called CorpoCorpus.
As a part of our Audit & Compliance Services, we assess the company’s compliance and statutory position, determine gaps and liabilities, advise on risks and penalties involved, overseeing and managing entire statutory compliance of the company. This includes vendors, across different units, tracking and ensuring compliance with all Central, State and local codes, ordinances and regulations, employee training programs, and providing regular real-time legal updates”, says Harshal.
Sexual Harassment Issues related support services of Joshi & Associates include compliance under the Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013, drafting POSH policies, train employees on POSH, handle issues related Sexual Harassment at workplace.
To keep abreast of the latest trends in the market, Joshi & Associates is following a technologydriven approach and the law firmcontinuously strives to provide quality cost-effective solutions to its clientele. Joshi & Associates operates as a boutique law firm that can offer individuals and businesses a high level of experience that may have previously been unaffordable for their clients. The law firm also provides DIY (Do it Yourself) library access services to their clients at a nominal fee and provides them situations and solutions in simple language, forms, acts, and regulations codes that concern their day to day business operations. This helps their clients find simple solutions on their own without approaching a law firm for easily resolvable issues.
With all this, Joshi & Associates has been able to create an impressive clientele that includes both start-upsand established brands from different industry verticals. Some of the top names in their clientele includes Semiconductor Technology And Applied Research Centre, SITAR and DRDO, Ministry of Defence – Government of India Units, Alcon Laboratories (India) (Novartis Company), Ecoland Groups USA, Ecoland USA SF INC, Ajax Engineering, Smiths Medical, MRK Health Care, Third Eye Consulting, Integrative Healthcare and Lifestyle, Carer for Cancer Care, Vyomus Consulting, Pasos Technologies, Kings Learning, Enguru Apps, and many more.
As for the future, Joshi & Associates and CorpoCorpus (another initiative founded by Harshal) is constantly trying to keep-up with the technological advancements and to provide innovative legal technology interfaces to help their clients. “Our aim is to come up with several AI-driven solutions for our clients that would save them cost and bring in efficiencies to their processes. With the advancement and ease of technology, hiring remote Lawyers has become one of our key differentiators. Currently, 50 percent of our consultants and associates work from remote locations such as Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Nagpur and Hyderabad.
With all this, our goal is to build a strong leadership structure, strong client relationship, improve access to justice, and use technology and innovation to build a strong futuristic law practice”, shares Harshal.