There is a vast domain of intellectual property, right from Designs to Copyrights to Patents Trademarks, since a long time. Many such have received statutory recognition. Developments of new products and processes, brand names or content are resource intensive and usually require huge investments. Intellectual Property systems and laws essentially provide individuals or entities creating them an exclusive right over these creations to the exclusion of others. India remains one of the world’s most challenging major economies with respect to protection and enforcement of IP laws. Headquartered in Mumbai with branches in Pune & Thiruvananthapuram, GNAs (Gopakumar Nair Associates) is a premier intellectual property consultancy and legal advisory firm providing high-quality legal and technical solutions for companies in the biotechnology, biomedical, chemical, health care, pharmaceutical, and other knowledge-based industries.
A Passionate IP and Trademark Service Provider
Founded by Dr. Gopakumar G. Nair, GNAs provides support to a wide range of companies for filing patents, domestic and internationally, as well as helps start-up companies using technology licenses from universities and other research centers. A sixteen-year-old intellectual property firm, GNAs hashas unrivaled ability and experience over various established firms. Over the years, the firm has been catering IP, Patents, Trademarks, Copyright & Design services to many corporate, reputed academic institutions and buzzing start-ups. GNAs offer a plethora of patent watch/surveillance
services for clients across the globe. “It is very heartening to design IP plans for companies. Through our services, the patents are much secured and continuously under surveillance. There is less chance of data redundancy and duplication of IPs. We also have helped clients in filing patents. Our guidance set the tune of our clients in making legal contracts and agreements,” says Dr. Gopakumar G. Nair, Founder, GNAs GNA offers peerless solutions to clients in the areas of intellectual property protection and enforcement. Its experienced Senior Patent and Trademark Associates provide support to clients in many of the technical aspects of IP, TM and Patent practice including: (a) Intellectual Property Management Development Programme (b) Patent Filing & Prosecution (c) Patent Watch Services (d) Freedom to Operate (e) Patent Search (f) Patent Mining and R&D Coordination (g) Patent Specification & Claims Drafting (f) Trademarks, Copyright & Designs (g) IP Audit & IP Portfolio Creation and Maintenance and many more. “We have a high level of commitment and timeliness. At GNAs, we strive for perfection in everything we do, right from handling Intellectual Property matters on an assignment basis to retainership basis. At GNAs, we maintain a high level of confidentiality in our work as well as with our client relationships. Our vibrant team is fully geared to protect client-confidentiality,” said Dr. Gopakumar G. Nair, Founder, GNAs.
"GNAs is committed to applying consulting and analytical intelligence in providing solutions to the client's challenging needs, problems and issues"
The future of Intellectual Property laws in India is dynamic and even more challenging especially for those valuing intellectual assets and competing in the global marketplace. GNAs is committed to applying consulting and analytical intelligence in providing solutions to the client's challenging needs, problems and issues. “Over the short span of time, GNAs has been transforming continuously and considerably and is going well beyond its original strengths. The firm has also strengthened its IT department as we are gearing up for artificial intelligence. The firm has also filed some patents on behalf of ex-IIT start-ups for artificial intelligence. At GNAs, we are committed to excelling and expanding our consultancy capabilities and we are constantly striving to deliver services at par excellence, on a global platform,” concludes Dr. Gopakumar G. Nair.