Kaizen Training Solutions (KTS) headquartered in New Delhi established in 2011 with industry veterans experience up-to 30 years. Training industry in India is unstructured &quite volatile. KTS saw this gap in the market and created a vision “To emerge as an acclaimed body for setting training & development standards in India & Worldwide”.
“Kaizen” is a Japanese word for ‘continuous improvement’, based on the principles of questioning everything, never being satisfied and always looking at every single part of a process/ company to find improvement. This is KTS way of working & has resulted to 1.5 lakh people being trained in 38+ Locations in India and abroad. With 50+ dedicated certified trainers/consultants, they have served 120+ clients like Microsoft, Singtel, Shopify, Genpact, Honda, Godfrey Phillips, Janalakshmi Bank, Roshan Telecom-Afghanistan, Nirmal Industries Ltd., ArvatoBertelsmen Group, Manipal Business Group, DhanukaAgritech Ltd, USAID, UN Projects, HP, DELL, Acer, Lenovo and many more.
KTS has become a one-stop training & consulting provider that focuses on delivering compelling experience

Proud Moments
Winning National Award for “Most Promising Learning & Development Consultants in India 2016” & “Best StartUp Idea Award 2016” (For LMS – S.A.L.T) at Startup Weekend by IIT Delhi.
Their credibility speaks as they are registered partners of United Nations Global Market Place & United Nations Global Compact.
Bridging the ‘GAPS’
Abhishek Tula, CEO & Co-Founder, shared that “One size doesn't fit all”, similarly companies have different requirements.We work extensively to understand the needs &pain points of the clients and accordingly design highly experiential learning based customized training solutions”.
Now KTS has become one-stop training & consulting provider that focuses on delivering a compelling experience.
KTS corporate training solutions comprise of Soft & Behavioural Skills, Leadership, Consultative Selling Skills, Image Management, Outbound, HR & Functional, BPO, Motivational, On-the-job Trainings and more.
They also do niche training like Kaizen & Quality, Contract Management, Budgetary Planning, Project, Tender & Fraud Management Etc.
Sharing their rollercoaster ride, Surabhi Nigam Tula, COO & Co-Founder, speaks, “This thought came while discussing training industry over a cup of tea on a ‘Dhaba’. Faced lots of challenges along the way and learned from our experiences which have helped us understand the core essence of business and people around us.”
KTS is doing smart work and covering every space in the L&D domain with a dedicated team for their OTHER DIVISIONS.
OTHER DIVISIONS: S.A.L.T, Career Hacks, HRM Services, Business Performance Club
S.A.L.T– A Pinch of Extra Knowledge
Abhishek says that-learning is the future and he is passionate about S.A.L.T.Its USP is to combine multiple forms of learning like eLearning, simulation-based learning, mobile learning and even classroom-based learning on a single platform. Abhishek adds “Our focus is towards simplifying ‘learning’ with technology, we would be inculcating business and artificial intelligence into our LMS soon"
The Bright Side
KTS team mentions that “In the next few years, we want to be known as the most innovative training company in the world by holistically improving the business performance of our clients“.