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Agacs Pvt Ltd: Simplifying the Process of Immigration

CIO Vendor Owing to the growing fascination for immigration and widespread overseas movement of people throughout the globe, the concept of immigration has found wide acceptance. With the development, the role of professional immigration visa consultants has become quite crucial. Common immigration and visa aspirants look for trusted immigration and visa consultation that can help them guide and navigate through the choppy and difficult visa-submission procedure, in a better and fruitful manner.

Ideally fitting into the picture is AGACS PVT LTD- Advanced Global Agile Consultancy Services, a company that primarily is into the business ofVisa Consulting, Project Consulting&Staffing for individuals, SME’S and enterprises. The visa consulting services offered by AGACS are unique on its own kind where we assess the need of the clients and help them by give a much-needed in-depth analysis of the visa product they wish to pursue. “We are specialized in USA, CANADA & AUSTRALIA visas inclusive of PR’S, Business, Visits, Student Visas & Work Permits etc. We also specialize in L1 (New offices & Intra Company Transferee’s) & I (Media Visa).We have helped several business open new branches in the United States and also processed multiple cases for eligible Intra Company Transferee’s on Executive & Manager capacity,” mentions Chandrashekar Talla, Director, AGACS PVT LTD.

AGACS real time agile approach to prioritization helps to eliminate risks first and thus accelerating opportunity qualification. The practices are very unique and they engage with the clients, right from vision till exit.

Achieving Client Satisfaction

Enlightening on the clients’ challenges, chandrashekar speaks, “Clients come to us with multiple difficulties; the fore most being eligibility. Most of the clients face the eligibility dilemma where in they are unable to write high stakes IELTS tests mandatory for international study, migration or work. Also, there are many who come to us with poor documentation. When asked, they fail to submit their work experience documents, education certificates, bank statements etc. With our quality consulting services; we educate the clients about eligibility parameters & we ensure them a cost effective visa consultation.”

believes in solving the client’s visa need, not initiating a visa application process or procedure but by following a strategic model right from consulting the clients’ needs towards documentation and way forward towards closure. The company understands the need of visa procedure being carried out very carefully as this is a sensitive route related to a company or an individual who enhances their respective road maps and hence we think from the customers’ point of view and work accordingly.

AGACS believes in solving the client’s visa need, not initiating a random visa application process.

More over, AGACS assists the clients with valuable inputs which influence post getting a visa. “Our Visa consulting methodologies are very different compared to any other visa or immigration service based company. Over the years, we have been successful in placing numerous people into multiple visa segments across multiple industries across the globe,” says Chandrashekar.

The Unique Benefits that AGACS Delivers

>Profile enhancement & eligibility management
The first thing that AGACS follows while guiding their clients is evaluating their profiles, which they call as profile evaluation. With the help of this assessment, they deem the eligibility of the client& address the changes needed. Additionally, the company gives this report on a free of cost basis. “Most of the consulting firms charge anywhere between Rs.1,000 – 10,000 as registration or profile evaluation fee. We understand the importance of hard earned money and so charge them only when we find them eligible,” he informs.

> Transparency & real time metrics

Adding on to this, AGACS comes out transparent when it comes to providing genuine information to the clients. The company gives them a clear picture of the immigration process & post landing services of different countries so that there is clarity when they land up in a new place. “Our strength is our clientele & reviews. We have a huge client base across the world where we get excellent references. These references turn into reviews post the successful visa & projects outcome. We believe any company’s performance can be measured by the reviews the company has and we are proud we top the list when it comes to reviewing our visa consulting or project consulting methodologies,” he adds.

Beginning its journey with few other businesses, AGACS in course of time had developed interest for the immigration business and then there was no looking back. The company has successfully opened its branches in cities namely Hyderabad and Bangalore. With a team of approximately 12 people working, AGACS has a team of 8-10 people that includes full time contractors as well as part time contractors in the U.S. branch. With this, they have carved a niche for themselves in the immigration industry.

Narrating about the strategies AGACS has decided for the future, Chandrashekar says, “We havemultiple strategies based on visa & immigration segment that we are working for. Currently we are working with a strategy to make people understand what actually immigration is. Also,weplan conducting multiple promotional drive’s across multiple cities in India to educate people on immigration.”