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Sumadhva Technologies : A Proven Methodology to Train Campus Recruits Effectively on Software Testing

The learning and development industry is steadily taking its steps ahead and spreading its demand to various sectors across the country. It was during the last decade that the country saw a strong growth of educational and training centers to help various industries. Sumadhva Technologies is one such company imparting quality training in the field of software testing to retailers and corporates with flexible schedules, cost structures and practical case studies. Established in the year 2011, the company is presently run by Raghavendra NK, the sole proprietor of the organization.

Operating from Bangalore, the company has a unique way of training candidates using live products that the organization develops. “There are many institutes that provide training for software testing but very few of them emphasize on training with live products,” says Raghavendra.
“All large IT companies want to empower their campus recruits with the required skill sets within a limited time period before they start working on live projects. While conventional methods always emphasize on theory with some exercises it is not sufficient to address the skill sets required in live projects. This is the core area where we work to help our clients,” he adds.

Differing from other players in the field, Sumadhva has come up with a unique project based model for imparting training on software testing. The participants get an opportunity to work on all activities of the testing life cycle for multiple releases of the product. The company also renders quality solutions at an economic price.

In addition to training on software testing, Sumadhva imparts training in various fields of software engineering such as Requirements Modeling, Use-case Modeling, OOAD and UML, Agile Development Methodology, RDBMS concepts, Project Management, and Testing Tools. These trainings help IT staff to get equipped with the latest trends in the industry and assist them to deliver quality projects.

Team Sumadhva possesses rich experience and expertise with high commitment in helping and fulfilling its customers’ dreams. “We follow a unique approach of case study based learning and then further follow up to
CIO Vendor ensure successful implementations of the same on the live product. We strongly believe in 20% theory and 80% case study” he defines.
Having started as a learning and development company Sumadhva later enhanced its territory of work including product development and testing services. It delivers training programs to large MNCs with consistent excellent feedback on emerging trends and IT methodologies. The company has already developed two niche products in the area of Laboratory Information Systems (LIS), SLIMS and Histopathology. SLIMS has been successfully implemented in around 30 laboratories across the state and the second product Histopathology which caters to the area of process automation of histopathological laboratories has been successfully beta tested at one of the well known medical colleges.

The company is helping small and medium sized companies to define effective test processes, and develop testing teams from scratch. It is also providing services in the area of independent functional and performance testing.
With an aim to establish a portal where live applications can be accessed along with the course content, Raghavendra concludes saying, “Our trainees benefit from getting exposure to live product testing environment during the training program, and getting feedback from the true experts.”