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Heliosvento: A Renewable Energy Consultant taking the Indian Renewable Energy Consultants Industry to Greater Heights

CIO Vendor There are various firms which are assisting the Government and are also helping Private Industries to foray into the renewable energy sector. We, however, feel that a major gap is prevalent in this domain for a long time. The said gap is because the companies operating in the strata do not share a common platform and there are no basic criteria set by any government entity to rate a Consultant or a Consulting Agency on their efficacy or knowledge. This has led to the mushrooming of companies which are under equipped both in terms of knowledge and skilled manpower, which then leads to below standard services to the industry. This situation has created a scenario which is putting a dent in the credibility and reputation of the entire renewable energy consultant industry.

One company that has been striving to bring about a change to this unfortunate situation is Heliosvento. The company has established itself as one of the most trusted names in the Indian renewable energy consultants’ marketdue to the Quality, Effectiveness and utmost transparency of their services. Heliosvento aims to become the market leader in the field of Renewable Energy Consultants with a sole mission to make renewable energy easy to buy and easy to use.

“I am really passionate about renewable energy, its sources and the technology since my engineering days and therefore I was driven to work in this segment. Initially, it was sheer courage and gumption because of which I took the risk of diving into entrepreneurship leaving a highpaying job
associated with a Company Directorship. I wanted to bring some positive impact in the society, so I decided that to set up a company which will employ 70 percent of its staff from unprivileged backgrounds and create employment opportunities for the unskilled.

We are not only consulting for the projects but we also execute Solar Power Projects. It therefore gives us an edge not just be limited to paperwork but also be able to check on the ground reality. We do Project Feasibility Study, DPR preparation, Project Management Consulting, Design Engineering, Operation & Maintenance for our clients. We also assist the clients in securing the required capital from Banks, NBFC’s and Private Investors. It is because of absolute transparency in rendering these services that we have gained the trust of our clients, who give us repetitive orders”, says Shivani Jhariya, Managing Director, Heliosvento.

Adding further about the company and the uniqueness of their operations, Shivani says, “We help our clients with their new solar power project set up and since we are Certified A-Class Electrical Contractors, our clients also offload to us their Government approval & Permit Procurement Services. We also do Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) of solar power plants, Power consulting for Wind & biomass, and Project monitoring as owners engineer during the execution of the project. The diversity in our services has helped us to develop into a one-stop-shop for our clients and unlike many others in the industry, we deal transparently with the client and explain the complete cycle of the task assigned to us. Once assigned to us we consider ourselves to be an integral part of the project and as a third party owned project,”.

Offering client-centric services of the best quality has helped Heliosvento to create an impressive roster of clients including companies like Sterling & Wilson, Adani Solar,Trident Group, and AMP Solar to name a few. Heliosvento also has the honour of being the preferred consultants for Government and Quasi Government organizations like Military Engineering Services and Airport Authority of India. By continuing to offer class leading solutions, the company is gearing up for a bright future and they are aiming to extend their services overseas and look for newer opportunities. Heliosvento also has a new vertical being added recently for EV Infrastructure and development. By increasing its efficiency, the company is planning to be more revenue-driven in the future.

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