Top Ways to Ensure Employee Engagement during Work-From-Home

By Sthitaprajnya Panigrahi Tuesday, 07 April 2020

Top Ways to Ensure Employee Engagement during Work-From-HomeBringing the socio-economic development to halt, COVID19 has compelled the human civilization to stay indoors. Taking the lives of thousands across the globe, the severe pandemic has left people with no option but to avoid public gatherings and socializing which ultimately leading to adopting work-from-home option for the corporates. As work is not confined to the brick and mortar physical space, employees are provided with adequate resources at their residences to ensure the unperturbed flow of work. However, work-from-home options hold unique set of challenges for both employees as well as employers. Far from the traditional work environment, it is essential to ensure the employees are motivated and productive throughout the day.

To help the smooth running of operations, here are some points that can help the team leaders to manage the employees throughout this work-from-home policy.

  • Implement Deadlines: While allotting tasks for the day, make sure to set deadlines for the completion of work. Distribute the various sections of the project with the employees along with a time-table and supervise thoroughly whether the work is getting done or not. This will keep the employees motivated and at the appropriate pace to complete the work within the scheduled period.
  • Engage in Video Conferences: Video conferences or holding meetings through online video applications is necessary while working from home, as it will motivate the employees to get rid of the bed and informal wear. Apart from that, video conferencing will restore the sense of a virtual working environment even though the work is being done from the home.
  • Monitor Team Activity Frequently: Although the tasks are already allotted and deadlines are set, it is the duty of the team lead to remotely monitor all the employees. Track the amount of work done on the current project and how much work is pending. Motivate them to finish the work within the stipulated period and encourage them to catch speed if needed.
  • End of the Day Report: Make sure to collect the end of the day reports from your employees. Submitting the work report can compel the employees to finish the scheduled tasks within time and it will also put a clear picture of their output and efficiency before them. By going through the work reports you can summarize the total work done in the day and set the plan for the next day.
  • Hold a Work Analysis Meeting Every Weekend: Working together miles apart needs proper inspection as the virtual work environment within the home might affect the efficiency of the employees. Hold a meeting to analyze the overall work done over the project. Discuss the overall work done by each member of the group so that everyone will get a clear picture of their contribution. Use this opportunity to encourage and motivate them to work better.
  • Take Employee Feedback: Regular employee feedback is one of the essential factors to maintain the efficient flow of work. Team leads should ask for the feedback of the employees either after the completion of the project or at the end of the day. By proper communication with the employees, a team lead can not only acknowledge the obstacles faced by them while working from home but will also be able to provide guidance motivation to boost their efficiency.
  • Permit Flexibility: Working from home will be never the same as the office work environment. There will be many unwanted disturbances either due to the presence of children, ailing elderly relatives or any kind of household chores. Try to bear with them while going with the current phase together as a team. Employees might tend to finish the work after the official working hours at a comparatively quiet time at night. Allow flexibility by focusing on the quality of what is done instead of when it is done.

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