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From Googol to Google: How a Typo Led to the Creation of One of the World's Largest Tech Companies

By Consultants Review Team Friday, 14 June 2024

Despite how much we take the moniker "Google" for granted, it is obviously not a popular one. Ever wonder why the founding fathers initially selected it? According to a New York Post article, the name "Google" was a typo rather than a well-considered choice. In 1998, Stanford University doctoral students Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who were also computer scientists, founded Google.

They were brainstorming when someone proposed the name "Googol." Milton Sirotta, the 9-year-old nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, first used the word in 1920. In his 1940 book "Mathematics and the Imagination," Kasner made several references to the figure.In terms of mathematics terminology, it means 10 raised to the power of 100, or 1 with 100 zeros behind it.

Page spelled the name incorrectly and searched for "Google" when he asked a techie if this domain name was available. Page later came to the realization that he preferred "Google."

Notably, the study discloses that since the application employed backlinks to search, the founders considered calling the firm “Backrub” before deciding on “Googol”. It is incorrect for many individuals to think that Google stands for "Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth." All in all, the name of one of the largest search engines in the world was discovered by a simple error.

Steve Jobs, one of the co-founders, christened Apple, the other major IT behemoth. As he was returning from a trip to an area in Oregon that he referred to as a "apple orchard," the name suddenly occurred to him, according to Ladible. He recommended calling the business Apple Computer. Wozniak, however, recommended "Apple Records," a record company owned by the Beatles. They finally reached a decision and decided on "Apple."

Regarding Microsoft, the firm was founded in 1975 by two computing whiz youngsters named Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Allen, the pair's creative force, came up with "Micro-Soft."The terms "microcomputer" and "software" were cleverly combined to create this."Micro-Soft" was the original spelling of the name, which was later dropped in favor of the smooth, now-iconic "Microsoft."

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