Innovation and creativity are the two most awe inspiring facets of human life. While intellectual property litigation may appear to be a battle between large corporations it is, at its heart, about protection of the innovative/creative genius of an individual. Intellectual Property Rights have seen the emergence and impact of automation for increased efficiency and thus the law endeavors to foster this genius. Intellectual Property Law in India is growing at an exponential rate. There is tremendous scope for growth and thus, now viewed as an asset with more and more people having started to acknowledge its significance in today’s world. Many experts believe that...
Deepshikha Singh, Managing Editor
Neha Kulwal, CEO, Admitad India
Saroj Topno Mittra, Director, Margdarshak
Ranga Jagannath, Director, Agora
Ajay Kaushik, Founder & CEO, Panacea Infosec
Vinay Singhal, Co-Founder & CEO, WittyFeed
Shabbhir Kanchwala, Senior VP, K Raheja Corp