Today, businesses are more competitive than ever before. Irrespective of your sector, there is always the challenge of finding new customers or retaining the old ones you have. You do this via marketing; depending on your sector, potentially lots of targeted marketing is the key to staying engaged with your target audience. While marketing costs money and time to deliver effectively, it is easy to waste money with average, mistargeted, or inefficient marketing. You can do your own marketing as a business owner or manager; however, this takes time and consistent efforts, time that you could better invest in improving the business or simply focusing on your day job....
Deepshikha Singh, Managing Editor
Neha Kulwal, CEO, Admitad India
Ranga Jagannath, Director, Agora
Saroj Topno Mittra, Director, Margdarshak
Ajay Kaushik, Founder & CEO, Panacea Infosec
Vinay Singhal, Co-Founder & CEO, WittyFeed
Shabbhir Kanchwala, Senior VP, K Raheja Corp