Progressive Management Consultants: Right Quality at Right Time!

CIO Vendor With 750 + clients and having its corporate office in Goa along with branches spread across Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Virudhunagar, Coimbatore & Hyderabad, Progressive Management Consultants(PMC) is the only Indian based consultancy organization in the International Organization for Standardisation (ISO) space that has been able to grow at the international level exponentially. The company at present has two full-fledged office based in Malaysia and is a supreme ISO service provider to the clients stationed in Dubai, Singapore, USA & more.

Progressive Management Consultants is the brainchild of Santosh Nair, an engineering graduate from Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Technology & Engineering and has worked with some of the leading firms in the cities of Mumbai, Tarapur & Goa. Nair was responsible in helping businesses with ISO documentation & implementation process. Explicating on the inception story of PMC, Santosh Nair, CEO, PMC, speaks, “While I was engaged with various ISO related works and serving as a guide to various companies with ISO implementation setups I was approached by many organizations to join them. Realizing that as I possessed a profound knowledge in the respective domain I decided to come up with my own consulting firm and help the businesses out. Thus, this led to the existence of Progressive Management Consultants.”

Established in the year 2000 with the aim to aid companies that are constantly struggling with a bottom-line or those that wishes to improve their bottom-line, PMC endeavours to help organizations with establishment, documentation, implementation & maintenance of the their management system and strives to continually improve their effectiveness in accordance to the requirements. Santosh avers, “Overcoming the challenge in making people understand that ISO is not only confined to manufacturing industry but rather to all the sectors, PMC with time has grown through word-of-mouth & referrals.
Till date, we have been able to acquire 80 percent of its clientele base with oral communication.”

Constituting the four core pillars of service offerings viz- Consulting, Training & After Certification Support, PMC today offers customized services to its clients and has institutionalized as a one-stop shop system solutions

Continual Improvement & Low-Package Customised Solutions
Constituting the four core pillars of service offerings viz.-Consulting, Training & After Certification Support, PMC today offers customized services to its clients and has institutionalized as a one-stop shop system solutions. In accordance to Consulting, the company serves in the areas of ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, OHSAS 18001: ISO 22000: 2005, ISO 27001: 2013, CE Marking & more. With regards to training, it proffers ISO Documentation, Internal Auditor Training, Management Overview, 5-S KAIZEN, Statistics and Statistical Process Control, SIX SIGMA and many more customized training onsite / offsite.

PMC pinpoints Continuous Improvement Package (CIP) as its flagship offering. Through this, it helps the clients even after ISO certification and makes it a continuous process with meeting the needs such as Conducting Internal Audits, Management Review Meetings, Continual Improvement, Objectives, Record Maintenance & so on.

Emerges to Expand Globally
Accustomed to bring in the newer requirements such as Forest Certification & more PMC has extended its service offerings by adding minimum standards to the existing ones. Currently, the clientele of PMC consists of manufacturing units, panchayat, airport, beauty parlour, pharmaceutical companies, charitable trust and covers almost 20 standards with respect to ISO standard & quality management. Specialized in value adding document rather than showcasing its progress, the company has grown 3x in terms of revenue and 2x in manpower since its inception. “We want to extend our base internationally and work for larger projects. Also, we are planning to grow 4x in terms of manpower and make people aware of the essence of ISO & quality management systems,” concludes Santosh enthusiastically.

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