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GST collection hit an all-time high at Rs 1.68 lakh crore in April

GST revenues in April touched the highest ever level of about Rs 1.68 lakh crore, which is up 20 percent from the year-ago period, on improved compliance, the Finance Ministry said on Sunday. In April 2022, 1.06 crore GST returns in GSTR-3B were filed.

The gross GST collection in April 2022 is an all-time high and Rs 25,000 crore more than the previous highest collection of Rs 1.42 lakh crore recorded in March.

The gross GST revenue collected in April is Rs 1,67,540 crore, of which CGST is Rs 33,159 crore, SGST is Rs 41,793 crore, IGST is Rs 81,939 crore (including Rs 36,705 crore collected on import of goods) and cess is Rs 10,649 crore (including Rs 857 crore collected on import of goods), the ministry said.

During the month, revenues from import of goods were 30% higher and the revenues from the domestic transactions (including import of services) are 17% higher than the revenues from these sources during the same month last year.

In a statement, the ministry said that there is a "clear improvement in the compliance behaviour, which has been a result of various measures taken by the tax administration to nudge taxpayers to file returns timely, to making compliance easier and strict enforcement action was taken against errant taxpayers identified based on data analytics and artificial intelligence".

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