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CEO Tim Cook Said That Apple Will Reveal Its AI Intentions Later In The Year

By Consultants Review Team Thursday, 29 February 2024

Tim Cook, the chief executive officer of Apple, stated during the firm's annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday that the business will reveal more information about its intentions to employ generative artificial intelligence later in the year.

According to Cook, “we're currently investing significantly in this area because we see incredible breakthrough potential for generative AI." We think it will provide users with revolutionary possibilities in terms of productivity, problem-solving, and other areas.

While competitors like Microsoft and Alphabet's Google are incorporating generative AI into their products, Apple has been lagging behind. Generative AI is capable of producing replies to textual cues that resemble those of a person.

Cook stated on Wednesday that although AI is currently present in Apple products' backends, additional information about overt AI capabilities would be released later in the year. As previously reported by Bloomberg, Apple intends to leverage AI to enhance the user experience while searching through data saved on Apple devices.

A resolution requesting that Apple reveal more details about its use of artificial intelligence in its operations and its moral standards for the technology was rejected by the company's shareholders.
The largest American labor union organization, the AFL-CIO, put up the suggestion, which did not pass but received 37.5% of the vote. The pension trust has also suggested AI initiatives at other major businesses.

In terms of releasing ethical standards for the application of AI, Apple has lagged behind other top tech firms," a statement from Brandon Rees, AFL-CIO's deputy director for corporations and capital markets, stated. "We hope that Apple will enhance its disclosure practices on this important issue to investors and other stakeholders."

In April, Walt Disney's DIS.N annual meeting will feature a proposal of a similar nature.
The AFL-CIO requested a report from Apple on the corporation's use of AI in business operations, as well as any ethical standards the company has implemented for this use of technology.

AI systems should not be trained on copyrighted works, or the voices, likenesses, and performances of professional artists, without transparency, permission, and payment to creators and rights holders, according to the AFL-CIO's supporting statement included in Apple's proxy documents. Apple disagreed with the proposal, claiming such disclosures would reveal its strategy as it faces competitors in the quickly developing field of artificial intelligence.

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