The Digital You is the NEW YOU

By Ravi Soni, Co-Founder, Obbserv Online Services


Ravi Soni, Co-Founder, Obbserv Online Services

More than one minute of every five minutes of YOU is digital and soon there will be a time when the ratio will be reversed.

If we backtrack the evolution, it got ignited in the 1950s with the introduction of the first transistor but the pace of evolution & penetration has increased manifolds in recent past. It took more than a decade to move from 10 million users to 100 million users and 3 years from 100 to 200 million users. But it took only a year to move from 300 to 400+ million users.

The digital revolution has initiated a new dimension which has a strong contribution to

the definition of You THE DIGITAL YOU.

You are popular if you have a strong presence online

You are successful if you have enough mentions (positive)

“You are not good” mentioned by internet then bad online reputation

Now You are defined, primarily by the DIGITAL YOU.

Let’s define YOU, it can be categorised as -

1. A consumer who consumes content, service or product

2. A brand/personality who creates content, service or product

3. A spectator who witnesses brands creating content, service or product and consumer consuming it.

Consumer - Digital YOU

Consumer is one of the most important aspect in the business world, every act is performed to either influence or convince the consumer. If we consider the Indian statistics to analyse the digital consumer:

1. There are 400+ million digital consumers who are connected through the internet.

2. Average time spend of a user on the web using a smartphone is more than 169 minutes.

3. A majority of Digital consumers are Indians falling under the age bracket of 25 years.

Being a digital consumer, YOU have an quick access to any information, YOU can shout loud to share your experience and YOU can avail a product/service from anywhere.

Here are few examples of social movements led by digital consumer:

1. #IceBukcetChallenge to promote awareness of ALS and encourage donations

2. #BringBackGirls to gather against kidnapping of 300 girls in Nigeria

3. #NetNeutrality outrage forced Flipkart to walk away from Airtel Zero

The Digital revolution has empowered a consumer to be digitally present, communicate & engage with multiple entities at an instance from anywhere.

Brand/Personality - Digital YOU

A brand is majorly defined by the way a consumer perceives it. The promises create expectation and the consumer experience eventually defines the brand.

Every organization/consultant/public figure has its own brand, every brand has its own category/positioning, every category has its own target audience to cater and all the target audiences can be reached effectively using some or the other digital front. This defines the power of digital dimension, which establishes a direct one to one connection between a consumer and a brand.

So, if the consumer expectations exceed the brand promises then YOU don’t need 100 years to create a world renowned brand. YOU just need the right way to exhibit, execute and engage digitally. Flipkart, Patanjali, Narendra Modi and many more are the perfect examples who have evolved as the greatest brand of their sector in a very short span of time.

With an access to massive digital consumer network & ability to gather data for defining consumer set, a brand can reach out to it target audience precisely. The awareness about the brand helps a consumer to initiate an interaction. The structured content on the portal will improve the understanding and digital engagement contributes in building brand trust.

The digital revolution has empowered a brand/personality to express, share it's part of the story at a large scale and to a precise audience in a specific content structure.

Spectator – Digital YOU

Every YOU is a spectator if not a consumer or a brand. And the observation impacts the interaction between consumer and brand as every consumer is a spectator in different instances.

Make it a Larger YOU

For all the three categories of YOU, the digital revolution is expanding the power of YOU in various other dimensions as well –

1. 24 Hrs & YOU: It has enabled YOU to set up processes, automate & complete things with minimal human interventions. This has helped YOU to focus on important aspects and utilise 24 hours of a day more effectively.

2. Multiple YOU: It empowers YOU to be available at multiple places using technology which can engage with multiple instances of YOU to fulfill the objective. Some of its example are video conferencing with a global team, online banking and ecommerce portals.

3. Social YOU: Along with physical interaction to socialise, the digital dimension can enable YOU to engage with enlarged set of users, with different means of communication ( audio call, video conferencing, messages & many more). Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder are some platforms where YOU gets a new identity to engage.

4. Innovation & YOU: As digital YOU is evolved, it’s empowered to innovate one step ahead of the present digital YOU. Some of the examples could be Apple's iPhone, Google’s selfdriving car, Ola/Uber Apps, Google Maps.

5. After-Life YOU: Every YOU made up of thoughts and the story of YOU which can be preserved in digital form to exist after-life of YOU. We might not have the legendaries around but we do have the knowledge, the creation and the way they executed in some digital form and easily accessible.

The evolution of Digital YOU is limitless, YOU have to think, observe and bring an innovation in the digital world which will redefine the digital aspect of YOU.

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