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Consultants Review Magazine

An Open Analysis On Business Consulting

By Paramjit Anand, Executive Director, Acreaty Management Consultant Pvt. Ltd.


Paramjit Anand, Executive Director, Acreaty Management Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

Established in 2001, Acreaty provides an entire spectrum of service solutions that deals with the quintessential element of any organization Human Resource. With about 20 years of experience, Paramjit specializes in strategy, implementation, competitive analysis, outsourcing, mergers and acquisitions.

Business is a process that nurtures with time. People can set up a business but to channelize all energies and prospects towards the right direction proper guidance and understanding is required. Business consulting is one such function where the experts who are well versed with the changing market dynamics guide businesses to grow and diversify in the right direction. The role of business consulting is to assist people, processes and businesses towards betterment.

It emphasizes and initiates business reengineering in terms of sales and marketing strategies. Business consulting involves a complete SWOT analysis of corporate businesses that are looking for betterment or growth. It also helps track and understand the prospective market for penetration and diversification.

Scope of Business Consulting

With the changing market trends the corporate businesses have analyzed and understood the importance of business consulting. Both scope and competition of diversified businesses have grown over years and thus enhancing the scope of business consulting. Business class is now mentally prepared and ready to walk an extra mile and spend on expert advice and process.

Thus in the year 2016 we can foresee a very good scope for business consulting.

"Business consulting is key contributor in business ecosystem as it guides business not only in designing a product and branding it but also in selling it and promoting it "

Transformation of Business Consulting

Earlier people believed in traditional ways of doing business and sticking on the basic roots of doing business. With changing times experimenting with the trends and taking risks in new market has become a key tool to stay ahead in the competition. Now corporate entities believe that seeking expert advice and guidance in weak areas and focusing on the core strength paves a way for success. Business consulting has come a long way from being a functional advice for improving process to being a strategic key contributor to success.

Contribution in Business Ecosystem and Make in India

Business consulting is key contributor in business ecosystem as it guides business not only in designing a product and branding it but also in selling it and promoting it. On other hand it helps companies mapping and entering new markets. Start Ups can get their initial road map and a complete workable business model to establish and grow. On the whole business consulting helps not only the business to grow but with multiple successful businesses growing parallel, initiates the society and economy to grow on the whole.

Career Scope in Business Consulting

A lot of scope can be seen in business consulting as a career, as with the changing cosmopolitan culture India foresees bright prospects in this field. Business entities have not only understood the importance of business consulting but also adapted and adhered to it as a strategic move in their growth process. It has now become a full flourished and growing industry where there are a lot of career prospects.

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